60 Frendraught

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 31 Page 364 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 18370
Parking Spot - What3Words ///deflect.tennis.rejoiced or digital coordinates 57.471526, -2.644831
Site location - What3Words ///speakers.outlines.sprayer or digital coordinates 57.474410, -2.650346
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 740m
Terrain - Farm track, through field & forest, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over a ladder gate.
Date first visited site 27th June 2022

My heart sank as I realised that the site was completely covered with fallen trees. But after finding the fallen flanker and standing recumbent, I used the sketch in the Great Crowns of Stone to locate the three other circle stones. This took sometime and effort as the ground is uneven and fallen trees created an interesting assault course, again I am thankful for my high platelet count! The furthest circle stone stands although it's only about a meter tall, the two other circle stones are fallen and broken up. The recumbent is fairly impressive from what I can tell as a tree had fallen directly on top of it. From the sketch in GCoS it looks like the stones have not suffered any significant damage from the fallen trees, however I do fear that the site maybe damaged from the clearing task whenever that happens.

59 Loanend

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 39 Page 382 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 18190
Parking Spot - What3Words ///regard.thighs.motivate or digital coordinates 57.311813, -2.665493
Site location - What3Words ///trample.workbench.stared or digital coordinates 57.306773, -2.657149
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 1.22Km
Terrain - Farm track, through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over a couple of ladder gates.
Date first visited site 27th June 2022

The massive recumbent stone and one circle stone remain and still stand, other than that there are two piles of stones, a large and small pile which can only be the broken remains of flankers and circle stones. The impressive recumbent is about a meter deep at the base and tapers to about half that at the top, it's over two meters high and three & a half meters long, the circle stone is a well dressed stone about one & a half meters tall.

58 Nether Dumeath

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 46 Page 406 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 17280
Parking Spot - What3Words ///glory.liberated.recover or digital coordinates 57.428431, -2.957307
Site location - What3Words ///hamsters.smarting.tour or digital coordinates 57.427380, -2.958659
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 170m
Terrain - Through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over a couple of ladder gates.
Date first visited site 25th June 2022

This is a well kept circle with only two of the stones standing, these are two large circle stones and both are at an angle of 45 degrees. The recumbent stone has fallen back but the majority of the stones including the recumbent have been moved around, probably during the time when the stones had been drilled ready for reducing by blasting apart. One large fallen circle stone has two deep 1" drill holes.
The large fallen flanker has a 1" drill hole at the base. Twenty or so medium to small stones pushed together behind the recumbent stone with one of which is all quartz. There is a smaller pile of stones in the centre of the site. A broken but significant stone which could be the other flanker has a large seam of quartz running through it. There are a number of medium to small stones covered by grass around the circle parameter.

57 Hillhead (Blackhills)

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - Not Listed (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 138717
Parking Spot - What3Words ///remaking.encoded.supper or digital coordinates 57.148569, -2.818790
Site location - What3Words ///serious.sweated.quaking or digital coordinates 57.152665, -2.815906
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 600m
Terrain - Farm track, tree plantation, six foot tall thick gorse bush.
Date first visited site 18th June 2022

This site was re-categorised as a Recumbent Stone Circle in 2013 during excavation work by R Bradley (Canmore ID 138717).
The site has become virtually inaccessible due to dense six foot tall gorse that would do a great job of protecting sleeping beauty's castle. I followed the perimeter fence before attempting to head to the site, I soon realised that I needed to drop digital bread crumbs every couple of meters as it was impossible to tell where I had just been. After five or so attempts from different approaches, I literally stumbled over a pile of stones which matched the site location and looking around a bit further, I found another couple of stones. Due to the heavy over growth there is no way to observe the site in its entirety, visibility of the ground was frustratingly intermittent and when visible, maybe only half a meter or so. 

56 Auchlee

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 5 Page 290 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 37069
Parking Spot - What3Words ///venues.tweezers.twilight or digital coordinates 57.066098, -2.190451
Site location - What3Words ///revamped.secures.nimbly or digital coordinates 57.062729, -2.182316
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 1Km
Terrain - Main Road, through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over a couple of ladder gates.
Date first visited site 4th June 2022

None of the stones are standing, on approach the recumbent is the only obvious stone with the others covered by thick gorse bush.
Fortunately I had the PDF of Great Crowns of Stone on my phone and used their sketch of the circle to find and identify each stone. This took time and a fair bit of searching through spiky bushes and very uneven ground.
The recumbent looks like its fallen forward with no sign of the flanker stones. With the help of the GCoS sketch I found the four fallen circle stones, the cairn kerb stones and a few central stones. This circle is in fairly poor order.

55 Montgoldrum

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 45 Page 403 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 36818
Parking Spot - What3Words ///consonant.skippers.unlocking or digital coordinates 56.876684, -2.301071
Site location - What3Words ///lunge.paintings.shop or digital coordinates 56.885875, -2.302503
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 1.16Km
Terrain - Farm Track, through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over a couple of ladder gates.
Date first visited site 4th June 2022

I asked at the farm house, out of courtesy, to park there and to walk through the farm up the dirt track the Farmer's (brothers) where very welcoming and advised the best way to get to the stones.
Only the broken remains of the recumbent stone still stand, which is broken in half, has multiple drill marks, drill holes and looks like it's been blasted apart.
There are nine medium stones in front of the recumbent all broken up, and again with multiple drill marks, this maybe one of the flankers.
40 kerb stones surround a remaining significant cairn outer ring of 3 meters wide and 70 cm high, with the centre of the cairn empty at the same level as the rest of the field.
There are 14 large and medium stones surround the site up to 40 meters away which could be the circle stones.
Click here for the - Montgoldrum walk through

54 Corrydown

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 25 Page 343 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 19197
Parking Spot - What3Words ///notices.setting.emporium or digital coordinates 57.480986, -2.481373
Site location - What3Words ///promise.chuckling.retract or digital coordinates 57.489395, -2.490849
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 1.5Km
Terrain - Through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over a couple of ladder gates.
Date first visited site 21st May 2022

The recumbent stone still stands with only one flanker that has fallen, there are seven circle stones fallen but these have been moved as they now form a square

53 Mains of Hatton

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 42 Page 395 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 18357
Parking Spot - What3Words ///implanted.snapper.imprints or digital coordinates 57.472065, -2.506242
Site location - What3Words ///token.punctuate.readers or digital coordinates 57.472065, -2.503033
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 60m
Terrain - Through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep.
Date first visited site 21st May 2022

Difficult to tell from the jumble of stones, looks like the larger stones have been broken and have all been pushed together, but there is what seems to be a reduced recumbent stone with the both flanker's fallen and also reduced / broken, with six circle stones all fallen around the circumference of the scrub land.

52 Pitglassie

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 54 Page 437 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 18359
Parking Spot - What3Words ///narrates.incurs.soak or digital coordinates 57.480878, -2.528705
Site location - What3Words ///hammocks.guideline.unimpeded or digital coordinates 57.480474, -2.525095
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 290m
Terrain - Through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep.
Date first visited site 21st May 2022

The Recumbent Stone has fallen back slightly and held up by two smaller stones, beside it is what maybe one fallen flanker.

51 Cairn Riv

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 16 Page 319 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 18323
Parking Spot - What3Words ///solar.cabinet.slowness or digital coordinates 57.507856, -2.544302
Site location - What3Words ///unlisted.organ.curious or digital coordinates 57.508180, -2.545206
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 70m
Terrain - Through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep.
Date first visited site 21st May 2022

The very large recumbent stands along side a medium sized stone which maybe a flanker. Great Crowns of Stone mention local hearsay that around 200 years ago there may have been a three meter wide stone paved causeway from this recumbent circle down the slope to another stone circle at What3Words ///strictest.jelly.galaxy or digital coordinates 57.506078, -2.547565

50 Gaval

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 32 Page 366 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 20734
Parking Spot - What3Words ///state.parkland.body or digital coordinates 57.554132, -2.034555
Site location - What3Words ///mega.unspoiled.multiply or digital coordinates 57.553647, -2.034102
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 60m
Terrain - Through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over ladder gate.
Date first visited site 14th May 2022

Only one medium standing stone remain's with no signs of any other stones. According to Great Crowns of Stone in 1840 Gaval was as complete and as impressive as Aikey Brae with most of the stones being cleared "In about 1868 the recumbent was blasted, apparently by apprentice masons working nearby" (GCoS)

49 Netherton Of Logie

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 47 Page 408 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 21100
Parking Spot - What3Words ///archives.wordplay.resolves or digital coordinates 57.603641, -1.928014
Site location - What3Words ///menu.oiled.offstage or digital coordinates 57.604908 -1.928870
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 190m
Terrain - Farm track, through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep, over stepped stone wall.
Date first visited site 14th May 2022

If Disney did recumbent stone circles ! This is a beautiful circle and very well kept. Large recumbent and both large flankers stones still standing, eight circle stones standing and five fallen circle stones.
Click here for the - Netherton of Logie walk through

48 Berrybrae

Great Crowns of Stone reference number - 12 Page 308 (PDF)
Canmore reference number - 21099
Parking Spot - What3Words ///moved.stopwatch.registry or digital coordinates 57.605043, -1.954131
Site location - What3Words ///eliminate.headsets.executive or digital coordinates 57.604396, -1.955540
Route from Parking Spot to Site - OS Maps
Distance from Parking Spot to site 190m
Terrain - Short walk along main road, through field, avoid damage to crop, avoid worrying cattle / sheep.
Date first visited site 14th May 2022

Large recumbent stone and one large flanker still standing with the other flanker broken half, two large circle stones standing with a the complete circle marked out by a large number of small stones. The circle is well kept, fenced with a gate and is within a large circular scrub area with some trees.
Click here for the - Berrybrae walk through